Iranian E-Commerce Scientific Association would held the first startup events with focus on triples of: "E-Commerce", "E-Business" and "E-Banking" and their application on the Iran's industry on July 2018.
Key Topics:
- Business Applications in Information & Communication Technology
- IT & Innovation Management in Organizations
- Electronic Commerce as the Reselience Economy Trigger
- Mobile Commerce
- Innovation Banking, Risk Analysis, Electronic Payments
- Electronic Supply Chain, Electronic Marketplace, Electronic Customs, Electronic Logestics, Electronic Learning
- Social Network Analysis Tools
- Internet of Things
- Big Data
The Event Process
- Getting the Ideas
- Idea Cheking
- Idea Proposition
- Team Creation
- Idea Implementation
- Consulting the team by the national and international experts
- Prototype Generation
- Commercialization
- Funding the company
- Sharing the company stock